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*Existing clients only
Fringe Trim
*Existing clients only
Clipper Cut
Above the ears shaping.
Short Cut
Above the ears shaping.
Above shoulder cut.
Mid Cut
Above shoulder cut.
Cut below shoulders.
Long Cut
Cut below shoulders.
*Existing clients only
Partial Base (no cut/style)
*Existing clients only
Base + Gloss (cut/style)
Base + Gloss
Base + Gloss (no cut/style)
Base + Gloss
Base + Hi.Lite + Gloss + Cut
Minimal dimension, block color or money piece and tone.
Partial Hi.Lite + Gloss + Cut
Minimal dimension, block color or money piece and tone.
Full brightening hi.lite and gloss.
Full Hi.Lite + Gloss + Cut
Full brightening hi.lite and gloss.
Bleach Touch Up + Tone
Gloss (no cut/style)
Brazilian Blowout